Puzzle of the week #351

Submitted by eugen on Sun, 06/24/2018 - 20:46
Chess Diagram
[Event "Puzzle #351"][Date "2018.06.24"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "3r2rk/1pn3bp/2pqb3/8/5N2/8/1B1Q1PPP/2R1R1K1 w - - 0 1"]
For the end of level 2 we get to solve this cheeky puzzle. White has sacrificed a piece to reach this position. Your task is simple:
a) White to move and win

Total available points for this puzzle is 10. The answers will be published next time together with puzzle #352.

Puzzle #350 solution:
Puzzle by Valer Eugen Demian, 2018. This week's best answers are by the top 2 scorers:
a) "The winning idea is to delay the black king from advancing up the board. Then the white king can come over and help the rook to capture the pawn."
"I thought about the rules about rook vs pawn end games when the king can't go 2 files away from the pawn."

[Event "Puzzle #350"][Date "2018.06.02"][Result "1-0"][SetUp "1"][FEN "6RK/8/3k4/2p5/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]1. Rg5 Kc6 (1... c4 2. Kg7! c3 3. Rg3 c2 4. Rc3 1-0) 2. Kg7 Kb5 3. Kf6 Kb4 4. Ke5 c4 5. Kd4 c3 6. Rc5

Correct solutions:
Mengbai, Matthew - 28 points
Eric - 25 points
Walter, Aiden, Lyvia, Coby, Joey, Glyn, Blake - 20 points
Jacey, Zhengyu, Lucas - 15 points
Brian, Chris - 10 points

Chris - 2 points for puzzle #348

Matthew - 184 points
Eric - 169 points
Aiden, Coby - 161 points
Joey - 148 points
Lyvia - 145 points
Mengbai - 144 points
Walter - 126 points
Zhengyu - 115 points
Blake - 105 points
Glyn - 89 points
Jacey - 87 points
Lucas - 74 points
Brian - 72 points
Itamar - 34 points
Chris - 27 points
Steven - 14 points